Integral Life Coach & Senior Psychometrist in Cape Town
Psychological Assessment Cape Town
For the past 13 years, I've worked with registered Clinical and Educational Psychologists, supervising their assessments and gaining extensive knowledge in the use of psychological tests.
I lecture at the South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) where I train and supervise students in Psychometric Assessments. I have my own psychometric test library and access to a wide range of psychometric assessments.
I use the information from assessments to enhance the coaching process as it provides invaluable self-awareness, highlights a person's strengths and what they are doing right, and illuminates areas for development. These assessments can also provide a baseline measure of specific difficulties, and can also aid as a measuring device to see how effective the coaching process can be.
Exam Accommodation/ Concession Assessments:
Many learners either in high school or at university often experience challenges specifically related to completing tests and examinations in the allocated time. Some experience challenges with handwriting speed, reading speed, or have specific difficulties with mathematics or in need of the use of a scribe or separate venue in order to express their true intelligence. Concession Assessments allow these accommodations to then take place. Some institutions require their own policies and tests to be administered, however, the following institutions have accepted Concession Reports from us: Stellenbosch University, The University of Cape Town (UCT), Bishops Diocesan College.
Child Assessments:
These assessments aim to determine what a child's abilities are and whether or not they are reaching their academic and social potential. These assessments can also determine if there are any barriers to learning, such as attention or emotional difficulties. An assessment with a child is the most effective way of understanding their world and specific difficulties and strengths. A child assessment process involves the following:
An intake session with the child's parents is held where I gather essential background information and the parents are then orientated toward the process during this intake session. The child is then booked in for several hours of assessment, where play breaks would be provided to not exhaust your child. The assessment can be spaced out over several days as to your convenience and child's age. Once the assessment has been completed, a feedback session is held where all the assessment findings are discussed with the parents. An optional report can be requested.
Adolescent Assessments:
These assessment follow the same procedure as the child assessment. Doing this type of assessment can not only identify a teenager's abilities, strengths and weaknesses and whether they are reaching their potential, but also has a career aspect as to guide future decisions.
Personality Assessments:
Utilising assessments such as the MBTI and the 16PF produces scientifically sound information that involves a deeper understanding of our behaviour and our ways of relating to one another. It creates the necessary self-awareness for development and change to occur. Personality assessments aids the coaching process and it can provide fruitful insights in determining learning barriers, strengths and weaknesses and subject choices.
Career Assessments:
These assessments can provide an accurate description of our abilities, strengths and weaknesses, personality preferences and interests. It helps guide career decisions according to ability and whether or not it would suit who you are as a person. Please visit Career Assessment/ Guidance page.
Specialized Assessments:
These assessments involve working with one of the psychologists that I am an associate with. These include Psycho-Educational assessments that determines learning difficulties and barriers to educational development. Psycho-Educational Assessments evaluates personal abilities and learning potential. These assessments can also determine if there is a specific barrier to learning, such as attentional problems, neuropsychological problems, or emotional difficulties such as depression, anxiety and difficulties with emotional regulation.
School Readiness Assessments aim to determine a child's formal ability to attend and cope appropriately at school.